Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sharks, Lakes and Escalators..oh my! (teaching phobias or life lessons)

Phobia: noun

A persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it.

This subject came to light, when yesterday, while Matt (16) and I were in the car, driving southerly on route 95. We spotted a rental U-haul truck, and several RI State Troopers stopped behind it. It appeared that they were attempting to search the vehicle. I quickly turned to Matt and told him that this is how a lot of dead bodies are found (in trunks). You know, by routine traffic stops. He rolled his eyes, told me that never happens. Then, in what I can only imagine was a quick, and scary flashback moment, he proceeded to tell me that all the things I told him growing up were just lies to keep him from doing dangerous stuff. He told me that it would no longer work on him.

He was right. Most of what I told him was not entirely true. However, I felt I had to make an impression when it came to certain things to ensure his physical safety. To be quite honest, I think I may have projected some of my own fears while trying to do this.

Although I have many fears.....most I am sure are irrational, A few things make me uncomfortable enough to push on the kids.

LAKES: I am afraid of lakes for several reasons. One reason is somewhat related to the fact that I watched Friday the 13th when I was far too young to process it. If you recall, "Jason" emerged from the lake. Now, I am not going to tell my children that a crazed murdered is going to come out of the lake and continue on a mass killing HOWEVER, I have, on occasion, told them that people who cannot keep their piranhas anymore, and don't know what to do with them, often throw them in lakes. (I did read that a looong time ago). Alligators, too. Lastly, I feel that dead bodies often show up in lakes....with the lack of a scent trail and all.

I did, several years ago, face an embarrassing conversation with the head counselor at the "Y" camp when Ava shared her "knowledge" with the others during swim session. (my bad.)

It was worth it as I firmly believe I have kept my children safe from contracting diseases from the many forms bacteria found in stagnant lake water.

ESCALATORS: I refuse to step on the moving, vertical death trap. As you all know, kids LOVE to ride the escalators. So this has been one of my more challenging. When they were old enough to visualize what I was saying, I explained to them, that if they did not exit the escalator at the very right time, their feet could be sucked in to the jagged end in which the stairs magically disappear. Also, if they were to fall, their hair could also be sucked in, leaving them scalpless.

I have no problem walking to the nearest large department store and use the elevator, rather then risking our lives on an escalator.

SHARKS: We are a beach family. Anyone who knows us knows we love the beach. We belong to a small, private beach club. Now, sharks are not likely to invade our private little cove. However, following simple safety guidelines is imperative when avoiding becoming shark bait.
The kids are not allowed to swim in the ocean if it is dawn or dusk...or cloudy...cause that looks like dawn and dusk. They are not allowed to float on their boogies boards in any fashion that could possible look like a harbor seal from below. No going in the ocean if you have anything close to an open wound.

I think I feel this strongly about this matter because I read a book, (approximately 15 times) in the 2nd grade. It was called "shark attack" and it was a non fictional book detailing hundreds of shark attacks which occurred around the world. I recalled one of the stories, and although I told the kids it occurred many, many years ago, I did tell them it was at our beach club. It was a good lesson and if i ever had a doubt that it wasn't absorbed Li assured me it was. We were sunbathing on the beach when a man walked by missing the lower portion of his right arm. Liza, then 3 years old, proclaimed in her loudest voice "SHARK ATED THE MANS ARM". (filter, Liza, filter.) She would later go on to ask for that image on her 4 yr birthday cake.

I realize that there are only a few more years before the little ones grow wise and stop believing the garbage I feed them, but for now i will relish in the fact that there are 2 soon to be 3 little people as crazy as I.

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