Every once and a while, a full time parent needs a vacation. Its a different kind of "hard" work....when I worked in an office...at least I could come home. I have little escape. I haven't had a night sleep in nearly 18 months and the lack of sleep has potentially caused what I think is similar to what the ramifications would be to a stroke patient.
There also comes a time when you need to recognize that certain things that you are doing are probably not altogether healthy...and are indicative of you needing a break. A few things have occurred and have had me reflecting on this very point:
1. I pretended to call a realtor and make an appointment to look at an apartment
2. I have started to drink during the week. (not during the day...not yet)
3. My nieces and nephews have nicknamed me "leather nip" ( time to end nursing I guess)
4. I asked my husband if I could get a boyfriend
5. I got my nose pierced in an effort to try and regain some youth (?)
6. The girls asked me when I was getting that apartment
7. I threw myself on the floor and faked a seizure to test my kids emergency response action. I died shortly thereafter.
8. I actually said out loud that I missed working. (uck)
9 I don't really think the "no wire hangers" lady was all that bad.
10. I have started to think that smoking cigarettes may be the lesser of two evils (the other may be considered child abuse)
11. Instead of "time outs", I use " I will clean the toilet with your toothbrush"
12. We make sex appointments. There is a skipped appointment fee due of 5 thousand dollars.
13. I thought about letting the pets out when the fisher car began screeching the other night.
14. Liza often shouts "Mrs. Duggar would never say or do that to her kids"
I often think about the woman of eras past.....I am sure they tended to families with a smile on their faces and cookies and milk in their hands. Actually, I know a couple of moms who are like that now...and I am impressed.
However, I admit that i can only fake it to make it so long before the real me comes out. Sorry mom.
Nice post. Easy to understand it when you have gone through it...